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In today’s digital world, internet marketing is no longer optional – it’s a necessity for any and all businesses. During the past few years, various platforms have launched with the intent to automate and simplify digital marketing efforts. Varazo Engage has done extensive research to focus specifically on the needs of multi-site/ omni-channel organizations such as franchise owners and digital marketing agencies. Our platform enables account owners to set up one universal marketing strategy that is then activated across multiple venues, thereby reducing the need for repetitive activities by staff.

The Engage dashboard features quick entry points to most valuable data, such as At-A-Glance channel analytics and automated performance reports. This gives account owners and project managers a top-down view of metrics that compare the success of controlled strategies to new efforts. Best of all, any and all activity is saved and accessible via the cloud.

Our platform enables account owners to set up one universal marketing strategy that is then activated across multiple venues, thereby reducing the need for repetitive activities by staff.

At Varazo, we understand that time is money, and we have done our best to minimize any effort required by account owners to get the platform up and running. Our user-friendly platform features Engage Assets, a comprehensive set of marketing tools that make the onboarding process simple and intuitive. Engage Assets are used to access and manage all marketing collateral, from digital content on specific web pages to customer reviews and social media posts.

Engage boasts sophisticated ad campaign management tools that track and assess total audience reach, engagement, cost per impression and more. We’ve also integrated 3rd party platforms, such as Google’s Search Console and Bing Webmaster, so that you can access all of your marketing efforts in ONE place using one log in ID. Even better, Engage enables you to save your favorite sites, bookmarks, and other login credentials with 100% secure technology that is impervious to vulnerabilities or cyber-attacks.

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